Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monumental Birthdays.


Ingelheim Five said...

Jordan that is the coolest movie ever. Wow, what a trip down memory lane!! Thanks so much.

Where did the last 14-16 years go?!

Judson said...

if i wish both of you a happy birthday right now then i'm early and late at the same time so i guess it cancels each other out. i cant believe my little bro and sis are all grown up. i miss and love you guys like crazy!

happy birthday!

Courtney said...

You guys are cute...such fun pictures! I think in my head they will always be little.

So Shauna...that means you are due this year sometime, right? I mean, if you want to keep the pattern going....

brooke said...

Jordan--where were you when I needed wedding videos done- - -?

Happy Birthdays you two--I can see time didn't stand still since I saw you last! You both are more beautiful and handsome than ever!

I love you guys!

brooke said...

Shauna--I want to be there when you break the news to Mother!

myrna said...

Two great and gorgeous kids from a wonderful family! I can see the family good looks are being carried on in the younger kids! Shauna and Blaine, you've done a super job! Love you all.
Myrna & Lee

Carlos said...

Larry is three times older than his youngest brother, Lanny. Lanny is half the age of their sister Lonna. If Larry has one more birthday, he will be just that much older than their cousin Loonie, who, if you multiply his age by the square root of the hypotenuese of a triangle, you get the age his father was when he met his first wife, Lana. How old is their dog, Lulu, in dog years?

Cherie said...

So cute, good job Jordan! Happy birthday and LOVE you guys.