Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I feel like I'm sitting down to write my first novel...

1. I was born in Provo, Utah.
2. Judson was born there too.
3. We were born at the same hospital and delivered by the same doctor.
4. My parents were known as Beauty and Adonis by their friends.
5. I don't look like the child of beautiful parents.
6. My children do though.
7. I have 6 children.
8. They are 16 years apart total.
9. I feel lucky that I can be a Mom.
10. I was blessed to marry Blaine.
11. He adores me and I adore him.
12. We have had a fun life together.
13. Blaine is my best friend and I love him.
14. I know I am very blessed.
15. I grew up with 2 sisters.
16. They are both WAY more talented than I am.
17. I am the middle child.
18. I love my sisters--they are my best girlfriends.
19. I grew up at 8255 E. Elm Drive
20. My phone number was Whitney 6-4722.
21. I don't know my cell phone number.
22. I do know how to text however.
23. My friends think I am smart because I can text.
24. I would rather talk on the phone.
25. I am 1/4 done.
26. In 6th grade, I wanted to be an Architect.
27. I married an Architect.
28. I like to tell people I'm married to an Architect.
29. I'm so glad Judson realized he loves Arichitecture. He will be an amazing one.
30. My favorite color is blue.
31. I LOVE dark chocolate.
32. My favorite is Lindor Truffles.
33. I have to make myself eat something good for me before I have some chocolate in the morning.
34. I wish I could play the piano really well.
35. I have always wanted to be a ballerina.
36. I have never had a pedicure.
37. I will never have a pedicure. It makes me sick to think about it.
38. I HATE the wind.
39. I love to grocery shop.
40. I love to cook.
41. I love to read.
42. I love the Book of Mormon.
43. I want to teach at least 2 more years of seminary.
44. I know fasting makes miracles happen.
45. I love to iron.
46. I hate to mop floors.
47. I love being a grandma.
48. I think Gavin and Reese are perfect grandchildren.
49. I love my son-in-law.
50. I think Jordan is an incredible Mom.
51. I wish I had been so together at her age.
52. I'm glad my children are good at math
53. I stink at math.
54. I think Shay is super smart.
55. I have been to 15 countries I think.
56. I like to travel, but I love to come home.
57. I would like to go to Maine.
58. I have a rosebush now that has roses that smell like Aunt Minnie's.
59. I am excited to know where Gage will spend his mission.
60. I think Gage is a brain and has a strong testimony.
61. I used to have long, pretty fingernails.
62. I love to walk.
63. I don't own a pair of tennis shoes right now.
64. I like to watch old episodes of Leave it to Beaver.
65. I love our new house.
66. I wish it had more grass.
67. I'm not a fan of zeroscape.
68. I would rather be too cold than too hot.
69. I think Logan is lovely. She is WAY talented.
70. I have been happy every day of my life.
71. I often feel lucky.
72. I love birds.
73. I want to be a bird watcher when I have more time.
74. I feel peaceful in the temple.
75. I'm so glad we have a temple here in Albuquerque.
76. I love clean sheets and pajamas.
77. I have a mole on my right ankle.
78. My Dad told me it was because I was a chubby baby.
79. I believed it until I was about 16.
80. I have straight, fine hair.
81. I wish I had the courage to wear it really short again.
82. I think Wyn is a fabulous writer. He reads at college level.
83. I love to chew ice.
84. Sonic ice is the best.
85. I hate swimming.
86. I hate baths. Ugh.
87. I hate spiders.
88. I love backrubs.
89. Blaine is a great backrub giver.
90. I admire my Mother.
91. I wish I were as nice as she is.
92. I hope I can be like her someday.
93. I don't like the ocean.
94. It makes me nervous.
95. Big things make me nervous and uncomfortable.
96. I love to laugh.
97. I think I'm pretty funny.
98. I want to finish my degree in History.
99. I would like to get a masters degree in Political Science.
100. I would like to run for City Government.


The Dixon Family said...

Wow. Good job. I don't think I ever knew your favorite color was blue. Interesting.

I especially like #78. That's funny. Grandpa . . .what a kidder.

I sometimes wonder how we're related. No baths, you use to have long, pretty fingernails, and you hate swimming . . .


Cherie said...

Hot dog you did it!!! And about that #72 and #73. When we are old and have that house with cats? NO BIRDS.

Judson said...

wow. that was really interesting! when does the book come out?

Summer said...

that is a great list!

Karee said...

1. To be your friend is a blessing.
2. You would be a great Mayor of Albuquerque.
3. It is unnatural to love ironing.
4. You are a remarkable woman who knows who she is and will be.
5. Pedicures are divine. You will never have a testimony of them without having one. Think VTing.
6. Speaking of VTing, how does Rexanna get to VT you?? Not fair.
7. YaYa women could rule ABQ just fine.
8. Your family is fab. Weeeeo!
9. Logan is lovely, can we sign a pre-nup?
10. We are both blessed with the best men on the planet as our husbands and fathers of our extremely talented, exceptionally gifted, beautiful children.